hi dear, congratulationsss…comelnyeerrr…hmmm…i miss newborn smell even tho my girl baru nk msk 3 mths..hehe..neways i’ve received the package..thanks ya 🙂 *hugs*
to all aunties out there, thanks for the well wishes for bAby uZair =)
p/s: mommy lyna: hmm..mother of 4 kot (arwah alesya zAra)
rafiza: do treasure the moment u hv wiz fatimah b4 another baby pops out. skrang ni bila dh kurang time tuk spend wiz hArith and athirAh…rase kesian je kt diorang
auntie zura:
tgk lar mak bpk die siapa…hihi
hi dear, congratulationsss…comelnyeerrr…hmmm…i miss newborn smell even tho my girl baru nk msk 3 mths..hehe..neways i’ve received the package..thanks ya 🙂 *hugs*
alhamdulillah..comel bangat!kalau awal sehari dh same b’day dgn aunti la uzair..hehe
lovely dee:
thanks dear. yup2 babies smell mmg bes kn!
nway hope the package reaches u in good shape =)
neeza: thanks for the well wishes =)
hanim… comelnyer uzair.
congrates muni!!!
cutenya uzair… sama nama cam my adik bongsu, whom i named him. hehehe.
so now mother of 3!
take care yarrrrr!
mwah mwah.
p/s: Harith & Athirah, now dah ada adik baruuuuu!
tahniah munirah
uzair nampak sgt sihat..
semoga Allah memberkati dan merahmati hidup anak ini…
congrats too for harith n athirah..
be a good bro n sis to little uzair..
tak sabar pulak nak tggu adik si fatimah amani feb next year.. tiap2 kakaknya cium adik kat tummy umminya…
Barakallahu lakum…
congratulations! welcome to world baby uzair!
to all aunties out there,
thanks for the well wishes for bAby uZair =)
mommy lyna:
hmm..mother of 4 kot (arwah alesya zAra)
do treasure the moment u hv wiz fatimah b4 another baby pops out.
skrang ni bila dh kurang time tuk spend wiz hArith and athirAh…rase kesian je kt diorang