Should I or Should I Not? – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Should I or Should I Not?

November 7, 2008

I was browsing the net the other day and my eyes landed on this

I tried my luck by showing it to En Suami and surprisingly he wanted to buy for me. Obviously I was surprised by the offer and screaming excitedly from inside. I thought he wasn’t serious, simply said “ok” to shut me off. So I told him to have a second , third and fourth look at it. And again, to my surprise he said he already bookmark the website. Wow is he serious or what?
He left for Paris on Thursday night, he told me he will be going to the city to check out the bag. And suddenly I feel ridiculous to buy the bag where on the other hand we could use the money for other important things. It is all about priorities I guess.

Last night, I don’t know why…my h/p was in a silent mode. And usually even if it was on silent mode I had no problem hearing the vibration but last night I didn’t. When I woke up for Subuh, I saw a message from En Suami:

“uuu , ade kat kedai L* ni, harga ****euro damier canvas, nak tak” (note: uuu = you)

He even called me since I didn’t reply the msg. But I didn’t notice the call. So memang takde rezeki lar kn. Or Allah agrees with my previous thought about the priorities? (i.e future car, future house)

Well, of cause there’s this naluri of “I want, I want”…but besides priority , I also think bout those less fortunate. Need not go far, even my sedara mara ade yg less won’t I feel bad spending riban2 while they on the other hand have problem paying their basic amenities? Bukan ker we should help our own darah daging?

And here’s another story I been wanting to share since Raya. Up till my sister was 5 years old, we had a local maid from Kedah. She left cause her mom arrange a marriage for her. Life in kampong has been tough for her. I have visited her four times in her hometown. Each time we will bring KFC for her kids. They never ate it before. In fact the first time they had it, they told their mom “mak2, macam yang kat dalam TV tu” Anak2 die( 4 of them) siap bahagi2 berapa ketul each. One of them tu nak mkn last piece for breakfast the next day and she actually put the tupperware beside her pillow fear others might eat it in the middle of the night!! Sedih kan, how we take things for granted.

Anyway, few days before raya wecalled them up to ask their preparation. Sedih tak biler dengar die bgtau “Kat umah depan tu ada haritu jual2 baju…dapat lar beli tuk anak 2 helai..5 hinggit sehelai, tshirt je. Kurung tak beli, mahal. Anak yg besak2 tue (form 1 and 2) kumpul duit sendiri gi tempah kurung).

It really saddened me. I belikan baju tuk anak2 for raya despite they don’t understand meaning of Raya yet. But those kids who wish to have raya clothes tapi dapat t-shirt rega 5 ringgit jer! My mom and I trus pegi beli baju kurung and baju melayu one each for them and 2 helai of daily baju (tshirt with pants/jeans). Send it via pos laju. We called them to ask baju muat tak. The mother said, sume senyum panjang siap cakap “mak mak, tahun ni kita raya sakan kn!” I felt like crying when I hear their joy.

So back to the bag I was offered. Will it be fair for me to buy it. Dah lar tak keja kan, harapkn duit En suami yg belikn..hihi. Hmm, ade jer kn org yg keja and still harapkn duit suami, ni kn lg yg tak keja. Hihi. Well even if I don’t have the chance to have this bag (yet), I’m grateful enough coz for the past years n years to come my car is being paid for and from now till 30 years to come, the house will be paid for. So I can’t say En Suami didn’t get me anything aight. I have wheels to travel everyday and roof above <>my our heads soon.

Besides that I was thinking, each time I feel like buying such expensive stuff, I should pause and reflect for a while. And instead of spending it, why not just 10% from the total that I want to spend, I donate it to the needy. InsyaAllah if I do that, duit lebih berkat and hopefully Allah will blessed me (and family) with more rezeki.And by then, when I have the money to fulfill my desire, I might not feel that bad cause I’ve done my part to help the needy. InsyAllah
And InsyaAllah, Allah would help us in fulfilling our priorities too. InsyaAllah.

*tapi naluri jahat ni masih ade setan cucuk kate nak bag tu…mcm mane ek? haha

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  1. bestnyaaa ada org dah offer nak belikan…tapi b4 that kalu tak de priority nak bli apa2 boleh laa beli….nanti kalu dah beli jgn lupa post the entry yaaa


  2. naluri jahat!.shuuhh..shuhh..go away!hehe..good entry lah munirah..i suke sbb selalu dok bc org cite pasal beli beg tuh ini..this one really menginsafkan..i sendiri takde itu branded nnt bile itu naluri jahat kacau i jugak..i kene baca entry nih balik..hehe


  3. Sayangku! Urmm..dah almost..5 yrs kot I kenal Syauqi( I kawin 2 yrs+ kwn ngn Apeng 3ys..)…so far..I rasa, dia mmg akan try his best to make you happy, kan? AND HE IS A WONDERFUL PERSON.Alhamdulillah I met you guys :-).Back to the story, bag tu mmg la cantik and kalau u rasa ada benda lain lg penting abaikan dulu..heyy IT’S JUST A BAG OK!, BUT the Q is…
    “Boley ke lawan bag I yg lebih lebih cantik,wakakakak??”
    p.s :Rezeki insya-allah ada tu 🙂


  4. munirah ive been ur silent reader dh lama. suka sgt entry ni. in fact i mmg suka cara pemikiran u n d way u portray urself. very humble n nice i must say. teringat plak entry psl kamera n org bisu tu. sungguh sedih. thanks for sharing sbb secara tak langsung mmg menginsafkan n mengingatkan i yg kdg2 alpa 🙂


  5. i kan pun sama nak beli the bag..the same one larrr..mampu or not to no2 la.but to think that spending about xK to have just a bag because of the name now ni, I kene think twice.Becoz i kan nak resign kan, pastu I think, sapa la pedulik nnti i pakai apa.Pastu nnti org ckp, mesti suami yg belikan, bukan i beli sendiri, tu lgi tak best la..pastu as what u said, think of the needy..i sedih kdg2 tgk, i sometimes sukati jek beli itu ini, tpi org lain yg nak mkn susah, nak beli baju susah…

    sebab before this i always said that i reward myself, then i think selama mana la nak reward.mcm tak logik pulak kan reward memanjang..

    ur story of ur maid tu mmg sedih i will now on stop buying designer bag only if something that i can reward for myself & share with the family..

    or u can go to my fren latest entry ni..truly insaf…



  6. hahaha…babe, u feel just like me…kalau tak caya tanya verde…kan verde kan (lama gila i amik masa to make decision tau, bnyk mende nak kena pikir kan…)

    gila ekk bila dicucuk nak bag…i guess i lgi teruk kot…nak tido pun tak boleh key apatah lagik nak buat keje…

    Bila kita dah buat final decision tak nak beli, pastu ada gak yg mencucuk2 suh beli…

    Even i dah beli ni, i still fikir patut ker i beli…huhuhu…

    neway…nanti2 when evrytin dah ok…u gi beli ekkk…


  7. sedihnya cerita maid tu. but from the story, your ex-maid seems to have a very beautiful family. 🙂 .
    i hope i’ll be able to teach my daughter the meaning of ‘value’!


  8. ninie:
    mmg bes ade org offer, tp tu lah memikirkn other priorities…

    betul tu…naluri jahat, shuuhh shuuhh, go away!

    yup, hubby never fail to make me hAppy! =)

    hm, in fact smpai arini each time i gi kedai photo tu sure i ingat bout the kejadian org bisu. should have just buy one for him, at least i wont feel bad until now kn.

    betul kate you, smpai bile nak gune reason reward ourself kan.
    so masih ade niat ker nak beli this bag. kat m’sia brapa ek?
    if you nak at a slightly cheaper price i can help you kot.

    betul wat u said, mula nak sgt nanti bila dah beli sure masih piki, patut ker beli ek…

    mama shmontel:
    mmg sedih tgk my ex-maid. dulu mase i kawen dapat 13 rice cooker as wedding gift. so i gave one to her and also kettle. die melompat happy! we take rice cooker and kettle for granted kan. diorang sume masak gune api jer. So bile dapat gune electrical item tuk mase rase mcm express giler.
    and i agree wiz u, must always teach our anak meaning of ‘value’ kan


  9. aramak..i tak pnh ada naluri jahat slps insaf, sbb awal2 i dah kalah dgn naluri tu (means,time i nak tu i nak la..i try as hard as i can to get it)! hahha..tak sempat dah menginsafkan diri, kecuali kalau kes mcm u (being given an oppt. to re-think etc.)

    normally,kalau i window2 and re-think,mmg i letak balik brg yg i dah amik (selagi lum sampai kat cashier).tp kalau i tak window2 dulu i mmg terus grab without insaf! haiyoo…sangat bahaya, these past 6 months,i spent 1/2 of my salary for shopping.


  10. salamz..
    been yr silent reader..sedey lak ble baca entry u nie..i pun slalu gak rsnye ngabiskn RM tuk bnda x spatutnyer..ble baca nie wat i rs insaf lak..*sobs*..(tp naluri jahat itew sntiasa ade ngikut ble time kite suke kt sumething..uikss menci lar..)


  11. kesiannye ur ex maid tuu. My mom pun berasal dari keluarga susah. And she always remind us, how lucky we are. I pun kadang2 kesian tengok org susah2 ni esp with small kids. lebih2 lg orang kita kan. 😉

    pasal bag tu, im sure ur hubby bole beli anytime jer. no need to worry bout that. tunggu dia buat surprise je laa. ;D


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