mOmmy pulak – TRIPLETS plus ONE

mOmmy pulak

August 17, 2009

yesterday i was flat… the virus (hv yet to know wat virus) attacked me. i started purging and vomitting. i could barely get up. whenever i stand, feel like vomitting..such a terrible nausea feeling. couldnt eat or drink anything…

syauQi was around during the day to help me jaga uZAir and after maghrib had my mom here  to giv me a lil back massage.

uZAir still purging, hope things get better soon now coz birthday in hospital isn’t cool =(


oh wow, i’m 27 today! doesnt sound young anymore! but al-hamdulillah im very much contented with my life. 3 kids, great husband n a great family too. alhamdulillah, may Allah limpahkn more of His rezeki upon us, ameen =)

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  1. eh eh, knp bertambah2 org doa tuk “rezeki” tu…dah dah, bukan doa tuk i, doa tuk Puan Jua yerr..hihi


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