We were at One Utama New Wing, syauQi wanted to get some food to bring for his night-stop, it was far to walk to Jusco Old Wing so decided to go to Cold Storage instead. Having the experience of being cheated by them, we became very alert with all the pricing. Afterall, nak beli few things jer, so no hal nak hafal harga.
syauQi wanted to buy some drinks, ye lah kt Euro mau 3, 4 Euro for drinks…so bawak dari sini jer. Then we saw written on a huge board middle of the aisle PROMOSI RM2.79 for sekotak Crysentimum tea. But the harga doesnt sound like promotion at all. Coz if kat tesco sekotak is less than rm2. So we decided to walk along the aisle of air kotak….then ade lah the same air kotak display kat situ gak RM1.69!!!!!!! Like WATTTTTT???? they actually trying to fool people. Those who are unaware of the actual price, if nampak terpampang tulis PROMOSI sure attracted to buy kan!
So took four kotak from the shelves that stated RM1.69. At the counter, as much as we guess after scanning it was Rm2.79
syauQi: kak, tu sekotak RM1.69 lah
cashier: (confidently took the small calculator to calculate the price difference so she could minus from the cashier)
-but the the next lane cashier gal said: Eh gi lah cek dulu
So off she went, and obviously the one with big PROMOSI price was the one she saw, brought it back to syauQi and said: RM2.79 ni cik.
syauQi: kalau saya tunjuk Rm1.69 saya dapat free ker???
cashier: (terus tediam n followed syauQi to the aisle, returned back to the cashier and started to minus the price difference)
That was Rm1.10 difference for one box, beli empat kotak dah RM4.40….free2 duit burn camtu jer
To show that this happen very frequent…tgk lah mase syauQi told the price, the gal trus took the calculator to calculate the price difference without even checking. Nampak sgt it happen so often that they take the customers’ word, tu not even botherd to go cek it.
Giler keji siut tipu customer macam tu! K.E.J.I

Cess! Sungguh keji dan kejam
Today’s word is KEJI.
banyak btol blogs yang sy baca menggunakan perkataan itu hari ni. Hahah
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 24th, 2009 at 10:02 pm
hhahah, mcm kelakar pun ade. i mean “today’s word is KEJI” bleh pulak coincidet other blogs gune tat word gak…hihihi
CikChelsea Reply:
October 24th, 2009 at 10:35 pm
terasa terasa!!! ;p sbb me guna gak that word today huwakaka!
eh cold storage neh kn mahal nak mamp, dl time study kitorang slalu masuk je tp tak beli pape sbb bila compare2 harga..mak oiii jauh beza dgn tmpt lain. end up beli brg from pasaraya kotamas ke apa tu yg kt PKNS tu je
dorang mmg siot ah!
mmg keji….
last time i kena kat cs ikano, i beli avocado yg suppose harga dia 2.00++, tp dia charge 4.00++….nasib baik lah i ni ‘ter alert’ pulak dgn pricing ni…which selalunya mmg tak ingat langsung..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 25th, 2009 at 9:11 pm
yg ikano punye lagi keji!
nak beli bekas air..memula beli bekas air tu (tuk letak air sejuk dlm frigde) kt Ace Hardware Ikano, then pegi Cold Storage nmpak the same bekas…so we beli lah sbb kat Ace Hardware tinggal satu jer. Stated kat situ price 14.90…tp bile kat cashier they charge 27.90!!!!!
hubby tenang lagi sbb ingat cam mane tau ade promo buy 2 dpt 27.90, bile tgk resit mak aii…mmg satu 27.90!!!!
that’s RM13 difference, kami beli dua..so Rm26 senang2 die nak pau dari kami. pastu lex jer nak kasi balik duit difference. Hubby insisted on seeing the manager on duty…die mmg tak menjawab lah, sbb mmg tau salah kn…
macam2. baru ni baca email, prob camni kat giant manatah, signage letak price lain tapi charge lain. tapi cs ni melampau plak la charge almost double the price,siap baik u guys alert kalau main bayar ja tak ka kena tipu sia2.tsk tsk tsk
Mana-mana super/hyper market memang macam tu. dulu masa i work in tesco pening kepala dengan wrong price/ overcharged problems. kalau customer yang baik dan bertenang mcm u tak de la jerit2, but some… jerit2 macam nak gaduh.
paling kesian cashier sebab dia orang tatau pape kena maki dengan customer when in fact, the management has to take responsibile on this.
kalau i nak cerita pasal overcharged memang tak cukup column komen ni. tapi, as ex-staff tesco, i blame department yang buat pricing. they change prices overnight. yang gila staff yang kerja kat store.
tapi i tak pernah blame customers. they have their rights. i ingat tesco jek yang suka overcharge… CS lagi dasyat… berganda-ganda…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 26th, 2009 at 9:26 am
so far tesco kami taka penah kena lagi. but then agai bukan sume barang kami ingat harga unless yg main barang beli byk2 tu like susu, pampers…
tp ade one thing we notice kt tesco, if amiq individually botol cheaper than amiq satu carton. cam if beli 100plus, ingatkn nk senangkn citer terus amiq kotak yg ade 12 tp if scan kotak tu lagi mahall…so we usually kuar kn satu suruh die scan satu botol then bgtau ade 12 botol.
pasal CS tu yg kami marah sgt die selamba jer kasi difference duit, takde lah nk gi cek ke ape. so if lepas i ade org beli mende yg same…kena tipu lagi lah sbb label tu tak tukar2 pun. tu mase kena tipu smpai rm13 per item we insist jumpe the duty manager…baru lah tegedek2 gi check kt aisle tu