Thank You – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Thank You

December 17, 2009

A big THANK YOU to all my readers for your doa, well wishes and support. I am seriously speechless to see the support i received from all of you. It’s amazing how it feels, although we hardly know each other..but it feels like we very close to one another. Im also flattered to see messages from readers whom all this while have been silent but made their appearance to give me the extra support needed. Thank You again! The whole family would like to say THANK YOU to all of you. We also received supports via facebook and sms. Thank You.

Arwah Embah went peacefuly, my dad sempat balik kampung (back from Jeddah to see him at the hospital.) My dad arrived petang, hold his hand and read some doa. Malam tu, my dad went by his side and said “Assalamualaikum pak, Johdi ni…” (Assalamualaikum, this is Johdi) And just a few seconds after that, Embah returned to Allah S.W.T.

I have not returned back to kampung since syauQi just arrived home yesterday after being a way for 7 days. Thought of going back to kampung but my mom, dad and bro who were already in kampung planned to come back yesterday, hence we didn’t join them. Alhamdulillah everything went well. Weather was good during the funeral. Lots of relatives and friends came for the funeral. My sister said they solat jenazah outside at the house compound instead in the house due to great number of people who came. Tahlil at night went smoothly with all the younger generation cousins working together did their part in serving the meal infront and clearing up all the plates and dulang without even being instructed. All the young boys perfectly knew what need to be done. If only I was there…

Again, Al-Fatihah to my Embah Lanang, Badri. 1925 – 2009

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