Kids In Charge: Finger Painting – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Kids In Charge: Finger Painting

January 20, 2010

**this is a sticky post


For those interested in lil’ crawler, could you please fill up the form here, but do not do any payment yet. The form would help me to do head count for those interested. Minimum of 4 heads needed for us to proceed with the session


Since we are getting good respond from the toddler group, we will have 2 different session.

Little Crawlers:

Saturday 30th Jan


Little Explorer (Toddler) – FULL:

Saturday 30th Jan


Remember the post i did on hArith doing his painting. Some of you might want to have a painting session with your kids but u tend to give it a second thought when ur mind start to picture all the mess that will happen. Do you know that there are lots of benefits of messy play?

Yes, it can be stressful to clear up all the mess, in fact at times the duration of cleaning up is even longer than the duration the kids played. Messy play stimulates their senses. Thats why you can see that I allow my kids to use their fingers to do the painting. Yes, finger painting! The tactile experience gained during messy play helps little ones experience a variety of textures. During messy play, babies and toddlers are developing eye hand coordination and fine motor skills. What looks like a mess on the surface is truly a learning experience for your child. uZAir started finger painting when he was 10 months old.

Some parents said that their child only spend just a min or two and left the table. Well, just because it is messy and only holds their interest for few minutes, should it be done? My answer is Yes.

Each time is a learning experience for them, we can’t expect them to sit for complete 30 minutes, however each time they may add a minute or two of their attention span. It is part of the process to increase their attention span. Each time you get out that messy project they learn a little bit more.

For now, u need not worry about getting your house messy, coz u’ll be doing it at my place. Yes, will be having Finger Painting classes for younger kids. How old? No specific age but for those who can sit and crawl. If you child is only 5 months old but can already sit on his on without support, he is most welcome. And if you child is already 13 months but have yet started walking, still crawling, he/she is most welcome.

We will place a huge paper in the garden and we let the kids go wild with the colours =) Don’t worry about the colours, it is save,we will have homemade colours for your kids. Let them be in their diapers and crawl all over the paper with the colours.

Finger painting is a wonderful activity for curious toddlers and will help them to express their own creativity! Let them express themselves! Not only they get to express themselves, but they also get to interact and socialize with their age group

Fees: RM100 (inclusive of photos!)

* minimum of 4 kids needed for the session to be held

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  1. aunty, please count me in 🙂 – ammar waiz


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    nanti bile ade session for age group ammar, aunty inform ya. this time around nk buat for lil’ crawlers punye age group =)
    will definitely have a session for ammar’s age


    suria Reply:

    ooooo, ok.


  2. i’m interested!! afif dah start conteng2 skang so i rasa dah leh join ni hehe


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    jom jom! yg penting session sume org bersantai duduk atas rumput…so tak lah obvious kang i pendek tepi u…hhihi
    i will need at least another 3 kids..sbb minimum 4 kids baru i conduct


    farah Reply:

    hahaha ok munirah..i pakai selipar je pergi session ni hahaha..i kompem nak pergi..shud i email u?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    ha i setuju sgt lah tu, u dtg pakai selipar jer..hihi.
    sila bawak extra change for ur son just incase, oh btw…ur son dh start jln ke blum yer?
    and bleh gak if email me…for reference purposes

  3. aiseymann. i balik kampung hari jumaat 29hb tu.
    tp nak joinnnnn jugak.

    maka dengan itu,
    i balik kampung malam sabtu lah camtu. hihi.

    so malaeka confirm yer munirah.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    wahh sgt terharu, sanggup tukar schedule to join the session!
    tak sabar nk tgk hair style ur gal! die now crawling lah yer?


    malaeka Reply:

    yer. tgh merangkak kesana sini tanpa tujuan yg sahih.
    mak budak2 pun agak2 kena bawak baju salin juga kah?

    see u next week!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    see you!

  4. hmm, this one interesting. i nk join nnt u buat lagi ok painting2 ni. hmm the color homemade eh? safe for kids? sbb ichiro ni confirm masuk mulut ni karang. hehe. tapi dia happy boy, boleh kasik main almost anything 😀 nnt u nk arrange session, arrange masa ichiro ada dekat PJ ok..hehe. I nk join semua boleh?

    sbb? i malas nk kemas rumah, i malas nk beli barang2 , i malas nk amik gambar and the same time nk kene supervise ichiro or worst nk kene pegang dia…how la kan?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    bilakah agaknye ichiro akan ada kt PJ?


    Mrs Imran Reply:

    next week ada la…huhu. takper let me know bila u plan nk buat next session. i try arrange my time utk bawak ichiro ke ur place tu.


  5. Munirah, pls count sofia in yeah 🙂


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    oh, at the moment tot nk buat the session for little crawlers tp if more respond from toddler, than i change it for toddler. will keep u inform


  6. homemade color paint? U buat guna apa yek? Best la aktiviti yg u organize ni, tapi….i kat ipoh la…


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    u can easily google up for the homemade paint receipi dear


  7. munirah, wanna join too!
    tp i tgk little explorer dah how?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    how old is ur child? insyaAllah will have another session if the respond it good


  8. munira, my son Ashman is 13 months. He can already walk…boley tak he join?? I dah lama sangat nak main painting dengan die. please auntie munira….ashman said hehe…Anyway, since last week I tak boley access blog you the front link (yg ada ur pictures tu) did not work…seb baik I cuba google carik balik what’s the real link.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    dear, thanks for ur interest. at the moment dah penuh. sbb if too many heads takut nanti space limited. will be doing more session of this if managed to get another set of 4 heads (minimum).
    and about the access to blog, thanks for the highlight.aritu pun ade yg mentioned. managed to dignose the prob, kena click on the gambar. will get it sort so click on the word “enter blog” pun bleh. thanks again


    ijannina Reply:

    okay great! If you manage to get enough heads, more sessions tu on the same day ke? (ala ala excited mummynya). Let me know kay, thanks!!!


  9. Interested!!!

    My son is 1 year 6 months old

    Do inform me the next session



    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    thanks for the interest, will surely inform u of our next session, insyaAllah


  10. salam….

    hi munirah, cam dah lambat jer…. hehhehe!!!! my son dah 13 months, tapi xleh jalan lagi…. so, boleh tak dia join yg little crawler? ada kosong lagi tak?? anyway, kalu still available, leh x e-mail i ur address detail and apa yg perlu dibawak??



    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yes, if he is still crawling, of coz he can join the lil crawler =)
    will email u dear


  11. Salam kenal Munirah,

    Intan dtg dr blog Farah-Afif 🙂

    Nak tny utk Litle Explorer-Toddler leh selit tak my daughter 1 tahun 7 bulan and dia dah berjalan…

    Mcm berminat nak join ur class lepas baca entry Farah 🙂

    Pls let me know ye.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    salam dear, thanks for your interest. tp now mmg dh full. we have 6 already not inclusive my kids yg confirm akan sibuk menyelit. takut ramai2 kang tak terhandle…especially at this age ade tendency syndrome taknk berkongsi. so we are trying to keep the group as small as possible. not too big and not too small so we can get the kids to learn to socialize.
    insyaAllah we will have another session sbb dah ade few yg express their interest. do keep an eye on the updates for the next session=)


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