Petang – TRIPLETS plus ONE


January 18, 2010

It has been quite awhile since i take photos of my kids running around the garden. Yesterday, I wanted to cut hArith’s hair. I only managed to cut a lil’ bit and he heard the brother and sister are playing at the sandpit…zasss he ran to join them. There goes my “saloon” session. After sandpit, all three went jumping about on the trampoline. if uZAir is already good at it..dulu jump cam kaki tak naik jer

the elder two laughing away n loosing balance, hihi

uZair balance well on the swing too..

and once he gets the momentum, he even knows that he have to pushes his body back for it to move faster

And yesterday ,we had pendidikan jasmani…hihi

hArith looking up, nak tanduk the ball…besar hajat anak teruna saya

wondering y my kids not wearing their clothes? Notice some paints on their body? Yup tat will be the next activity for Kids In Charge session, finger painting on the grass…


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  1. 😀 so nice.. every ptg dpt bermain2 ngan ur kids..
    wished cud do that too..!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    kadang tu cam rase besnye takyah penat berlari dgn the kids. gosh, they have never ending energy, i wonder where they get it


  2. my husband masa tgk harith dia cakap,

    “ha nak buat rambut adam macam nih lah. baru stailooo”

    then i replied,

    “terima je lah kenyataan adam haris nih rambut nya cacak macam kena karan terlebih voltage.”

    hihihi. macam mana lah nak shape kan macam tu kan. =P


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    hihihi, wah smpai bapak budak pun notice rambut harith. slalunye mak budak jer yg tegur rambut die
    masalahnye, rmbut die panjang smpai i yg rase rimas and panas…nak potong tak kasi, aritu i sempat potong separuh jalan then die nmpak adik2 main kt sandpit laju je die lari ke sandpit


  3. Hi. what a nice and informative blog! Keep up the good work. Btw, am looking for a trampoline for my 2 boys. May I have the contact no of the shop/person incharge. We have been looking hi and low looking for the right trampoline for the boys. Thanks a bunch!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    will pass u the number once i bejaya locate my hp..hihi


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    you may go to for details dear


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