Soal Jawab @TV3 – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Soal Jawab @TV3

September 30, 2010

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  1. proud to see one of my blogger friens on aired smalam.I was like,oh see i know her!She is my frien. I keep informed entire family that I know you.Excited beb!Sampai sanggup tak tido sebab nak tgk πŸ™‚

    Btw,u doing good takder nye suara donald duck.But,chubby?yes muka you nampak berisi sikit la ;p


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    oh but i really think i sound so penyet
    and haah chubby i guess tru wat the said, TV adds on a few pound…


  2. my goosshhh, formalnyaaa!! i’m going to check this out on Tonton tv3, ehheheh


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    yup rather formal, to i trus jadi jegang, haha


  3. smalam terbaik ler munirah hanim


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    caspi????? caspi as in caspi uia? HIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. I saw u last nite, babe! πŸ™‚
    I wanted to watch Supernatural but dissappointed that they did’nt air it. I was about to switch off the tv when I heard the topic they going to discuss, heard they mention your name, hemmm..sounds familiar unsure till they mentioned your blog.

    Good one. Congrats. And good topic too.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    haah, kat tv programme mg tulis SuperNatural
    thanks for ur support πŸ˜€


  5. Salam Munirah….Ruginya termiss mlm tadi…. takde sapa inform kat I.


    Miss Mirror Reply:

    Hello…kenapa tiba2 saya dipersalahkan? Saya tidak ada membuat sebarang komen tentang penggunaan bahasa Inggeris awak pun…. pelik pulak saya…tetiba je. Maybe awak salah baca komen orang lain kot??? SILA BACA KOMEN ITU BETUL2….. Komen saya di blog awak hanya “RUGI PULAK SAYA…SAYA TERMISS MENONTONNYA…TAK ADA ORG BAGITAU SAYA.” apa salah dgn komen itu?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    opss sorry Miss Mirror i rase ash burn tgh refer to Nadia.
    sorry dear


  6. Saw you last night in the ‘forum’ but sadly you don’t understand that it’s a national language show.. asyik nak berspeaking aje..
    And what’s with the facial expression? other panels were laughing and you had such a very worried look.. as if you weren’t comfortable in your own skin!
    Oh whatever it is.. i think other parental blogger could do a better job than you in taht show

    P/s:please help to censor my comment as i know you hate it πŸ™‚


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    thanks for your feedback


    Mrs Imran Reply:

    chill out la nadia, it was her first time on air. If I were to be interview on tv, I think I’ll be worst than Munirah. Understand the worried look, mana ada selera nk ketawa babe! Panik laaa. And another thing, sure i can’t really focus on what the others were saying in the show.

    n i think it would be better if you could tone down bit. your comment is too harsh I suppose.


    phatdevil666 Reply:

    nadia… u mmg suke kritik org ke? tp u mmg kelakar la… .. siap ade note p/s lg… nanti u recommend other parental bloggers lain k… i pun nak tgk gak… i leh recommend kat tv3…


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    hmm betul gak,mayb kn get list of parental blogger lain ,and next time can recommend to future show

    Ash Burn Reply:

    Nadia: bukankah obvious ini program bahasa malaysia? Apa salahnya berspeaking English? Ini zaman global bukan?
    Itulah sebab bangsa melayu tak boleh maju dalam dunia modern ini…nak jadi katak bawah tempurung saje!
    Saya detect nada β€˜envy’ drp kamu..mungkin tak berfaseh dlm Inggeris. But not too late…boleh lagi mempelajari sebelum ditinggalkan ke belakang!


    MamaEmma Reply:

    rasanya dia dah sehabis cool, tp as 1st timer sure nampak awkward kan.dont tell me u leh blagak cool bila 1st time masuk tv. if yes, bravo to u… nak blajar dgn u boleh?

    actually, u nak komen pasal munirah x bbahasa melayu ke? or sbb muka dia pelik time q&a ke? or actually u nak nominate nama u as parental blogger yg lebih sesuai masuk tv than munirah?


  7. miss nadia..thats not nice of u to comment like a bit constructive and supportive boleh and not tembak aje..and to ask her to censor ur comment sbb die x suke..hey,u x know munirah hanim at all..she is tougher than she looks ok..real cili padi
    its easier to comment pasal org yg keluar dlm tv bile kite nampak they awkward or a little scared and uncomfortable and lost..sbb tak semua org rase selesa bile depan camera..

    munirah hanim..u did great for 1st timer πŸ™‚ wish i was still working there n b with u to give u bit of strength n support..anyways,u look super cantik..nasib baik ade butik hanah hahhahah


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu ler kan best if kamu ade, if ur maksu ade pun sure bes kn
    oh kite mase teringat2 muka maksu kamu yg cantek dgn baju stylo die!


  8. saw u on tv last nite! wow! kalau i sure takleh jawab soalan tu semua akibat terlampau kaget.

    go0d job munirah! πŸ™‚

    kalau tak suka, takyah tgk. tak payah sibuk2 nak bukak blog ni pun.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    thanks for ur support dear!
    hows malaeka doing? pipi masih bes utk dicubit2 tak..hihi


  9. takde chance to watch it.
    but hey, being the chosen one to be featured in national TV itself is already an honor.

    p/s: munirah, xde plan kah nak buat kids painting day? πŸ™‚


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    ade2 tgh piki larat ke tak ni! hahaha
    part nk mengorganize photos taken tu yg semput skit…


  10. aduhhh!!! malunya saya…. baru nak mula follow dan minat blog ni tetiba je dipersalahkan begini atas kesalahan yg saya tak buat… I got to go…semoga Allah saja yg membalasnya.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    salam dear,.
    commentor tu yg typo error, ye salah saya sbb tak double cek. mintaq maaf byk2. saya dh buat disclaimer kat situ and betul kn ur name
    harap dtg berkunjung lagi ke blog saya
    maaf dipinta


  11. Who is Munirah ??? She is nothing regardless thought she could be something..Poor for her


    MamaEmma Reply:

    salam ieda. kalau u x kenal munirah,kenape u singgah blog ni? surely u nak kenal siapa munirah,smp boleh masuk tv3 kan?

    so.. baca blog ni smp habis, then baru u judge dia ape keistimewaan dia smp boleh masuk tv..



  12. Salam Munirah,i do watch u kat soal jawab,apa pun org kata..saya bangga as a mom blogger,u represent other mombloggers too..

    saya silent reader saja selalunya,baca twit kata u keluar tv malam tu sanggup tido lambat tau

    kakemma:tak perlu ajar orang yang tak nak tahu,buang masa.kalau dia nak tahu dah lama dia baca blog ni sampai habis.dia nak bodoh sombong lantak kan ke dia.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    salam anas, u yg buat crafting tu kan?
    thanks for you support dear…
    just like wat i mentioned kt the programme, we have great circle of support among mombloggers which we should all cherish it πŸ˜€


    anasfadilah Reply:

    eheh..saya la tu kot…kraf suka-suka isi masa lapang saja πŸ˜€


  13. A bit confusing- the layout of your comments I mean. Coz it’s like a dialog box, but the sender’s name below. Sudah ada satu blogger marah dgn u, oopsie.

    But anyway, good job. Put a link later yaa?

    I’d die if they ask me to speak formal BM. My textbooks, presentation, reports, thesis, and majority of the patients are English speaking. And our community ie other parents in kindie are English speaking. So it’s only natural to get mixed up in BM/English. I have a feeling you speak more BM than me :((

    Adakah saya akan ditembak kerana tidak bebangga dengan bahasa kebangsaan? Tidak mengapa, A1 semasa SPM sudah cukup bagi saya :pp. It cerita zaman silam.


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    wah dasyat lah tu A1 for SPM, i A2 je, and majority my classmates were chinese, total only 5 of us dapat A for SPM (mix of A1 n A2)

    and yup u r right, its not easy to be talking formal BM what more myu baku (bak kate mye). though i go to local uni, but uia was full english medium.

    and wats more important the other 2 panel clearly asked the moderator is it formal or casual and moderator said casual. and even during commercial break if mmg i shuldnt be talking in english sure lah floor manager n moderator dh point it out to me kan?

    perhaps if ade future show i shuld recommend other parental blogger that can speak full BM, do u know of any for me to recommend?


  14. hi dear…
    yes me also see u on air but kejap je anak2 i kacau laks… yg bg tahu sambil berlari2 ada lah husband i hahaha….btw u done a gud job dear πŸ™‚


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    hihi i tebayangkn husband u berlari2 nk bgtau u,pastu sure u cam confused wondering ur husband ckp pasal ape,:)


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