Carnival Circus Theme: The T-shirts – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Carnival Circus Theme: The T-shirts

August 5, 2011

Guess what might the conversation below be?

My guess would be;

Harith “Irshad, tshirt ni Wan Glam and mOmmy paint kan tau!”

All tshirts were hand painted, i ni pandai kasi idea tapi tangan keras jegang tak reti lukis. Lucky me Ami was around to help. She drew for me and we paint it together. This tshirt was the one and only thing syauQi requested for. He wanted tshirt written Papa and if ikutkn sume org pun die kate should wear “Pah” “Tuk Ki” and my siblings too tapi mmg lar others tak nak kan. Instead of just wording i decided to put on the theme logo on it. Kids t-shirt siap a day before while the parents siap few minutes before the party. In fact mine blum completely dry when i wore it.

I decided to go with “mom” as my wording sbb wanna make Ami’s life easier instead of tulis Mommy.

We bought red glitter paint, it looks better on syauQi’s black tshirt. We all were in white according to the theme, bapak budak takpe die finance minister boleh sukahati nak warna ape…and at the end of the day, his was the best actually coz can see the glitter on black better

since i wear hijab, i decided to place my logo and wording by the corner instead of kat chest

and the kids have their age in the middle,



and uwais had his rompers painted too 🙂

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  1. Hi,

    Mind to share, kat mana you dapat plain t-shirt utk your daughter tu eh? I mean, Plain round nect tshirt senang nak dapat tapi yang ada ropol2 utk girl, macam susah je?


  2. Assalamualaikum,

    Leh tau mane u dptkan plain white shirt wore by ur daughter?


    admin Reply:

    sorry for the late reply. i beli from mothercare, it came in a set…satu white n the other pink color


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