Been wanting to write about my last visit with the Doctor (my 14th weeks) but been procastinate it. In fact the next check up is due in 3 days time, so we will be able to see the progress as it reaches 18th weeks.
The scan on the 14th week really did put a smile on my husband’s and my face. It was such a moment being able to see all three in its shape. The shape of their heads, bodies, hands and legs were visible enough. I pointed out to my husband that one of babies hand was moving, he confidently said that child must be playing badminton just like him. Another child was moving the leg…and again he confidently said, that child must be playing football. But one was not doing anything, so I said….that must be a girl sleeping just like how I was during my first trimester. 🙂
Entering my 2nd trimester was such a relief. The nausea really did stop. I am able to start eating but unfortunately my appetite isn’t that much, I only eat selected food. But I got worried for a while because in my 16th week I started vomitting a couple of times….luckily it only happen for 2 days.
3 days back, I wasn’t able to walk properly for 2 days. The pain was from my waist downwards. I woke up in the morning suddenly realising I could even move an inch. I was really panic thinking….gosh don’t tell me it is this soon I need to undergo bedrest. For 2 days I couldn’t walk properly, I was in fact using a stick to help me move around. My mom went overseas at that time…I was clueless what to do. She came back, using her ‘magic’ hand, she massage me. And al-hamdulillah, I was back on my two feet. 🙂
Today I just notice the behaviour of my babies. How well they behave whenever their dad is not in town. Whenever my husband is around…I would be constantly hungry. To the extend of us being tired thinking what to eat next (considering my choice of food isn’t that much). Now I realise, when my husband is not around, I could even survive with just fruits. Wow, they are really being considerate.