Wow, what a run. After 3 years I left the game…was actually happy that I could still run n catch the ball. I was at first hesitate…to go or not to go. En Suami said I should, in fact when I asked him whether I should bring hArith n athirAh along…he said tak payah, just go n focus on the game. Wahhh…bunyi cam nk wakil negara lar pulak, hahaha. (terlalu nk fokus on the game smpai pegi lupa bwk air)
As I step on the field…the smell of the grass, the lecak n all brought me back to the years I had been playing. After bout 10 minutes of running up n down the field I was almost breathless (ha, n i thought my babies been keeping me fit. Boy I was wrong! haha). It was a good run but as I became reaaly tired, I asked myself “why do I choose to come here for the purpose of getting tired afterall, that’s what I’ve been getting everyday at home?” …ni namanye cari pasal lar kan..huhu
I don’t think I played that bad. One, because no one managed to get passed me (yahooo!! *clap*clap* ). Second, coz I scored (applause!!!). Okay…that’s a lil exaggerated. Well I did assists to score, hmm….maybe that’s still exaggarating…okay2, it was mercy perhaps…hahahah .
Bottom line is, I had a good time. But didn’t stayed for long. Mind been wondering how’s the kids at home especially lil’ uZAir. But serious I had a great time n it was really nice….other players were like “hey welcome back Munirah” *grin*
I came back really tired and thirsty (since I forgot to bring water along). All I could think of while driving home was a nice shower. But as I entered the house gate, I was greeted by my two lil’ rascals n a loud cry by uZAir. Carried uZAir and brought the other two out to play in the yard. And all 4 off us played together =)
Oh here are photos of hArith…just for fun
“hey cek this out aunties n uncles, lets ride this giraffe”
hah…boringgg *yawn*

nanti besar jgn rempit yer harith.. bahaya tu.
salam k'munirah
been reading ur blog dr zmn akak kt fster lg 🙂 when u decided to privatized ur blog dulu for a while, owh boy mmg sy agak frust la
love reading bout ur kids, esp when u imitated their thoughts & potrayed them with pictures. kiyut-ness!
convey my love to athirah, hariz & lil uzair 🙂
OMG dear.
i miss him already!
hihi…sometimes i try to get into their 'mind' and see what are they thinking..hihi
*oh i didn't know my blog kt frenster actually ade readers
will hug and kiss the kiddos for u =)
hArith, athirAh & uZAir "we miss u too auntie!!!"
chomelnyaaa laa ur kids nih!! geramm tgkk! hehehe.. 😀
ehh where is this park ya? it’s good to bring baby kat sini. kalau i pun jakunnn
pandai plak si harith merempit. LOL
Queen Bee:
ni kat lake garden,kl