After 3 Years… – TRIPLETS plus ONE

After 3 Years…

November 29, 2008

Wow, what a run. After 3 years I left the game…was actually happy that I could still run n catch the ball. I was at first hesitate…to go or not to go. En Suami said I should, in fact when I asked him whether I should bring hArith n athirAh along…he said tak payah, just go n focus on the game. Wahhh…bunyi cam nk wakil negara lar pulak, hahaha. (terlalu nk fokus on the game smpai pegi lupa bwk air)

As I step on the field…the smell of the grass, the lecak n all brought me back to the years I had been playing. After bout 10 minutes of running up n down the field I was almost breathless (ha, n i thought my babies been keeping me fit. Boy I was wrong! haha). It was a good run but as I became reaaly tired, I asked myself “why do I choose to come here for the purpose of getting tired afterall, that’s what I’ve been getting everyday at home?” …ni namanye cari pasal lar kan..huhu

I don’t think I played that bad. One, because no one managed to get passed me (yahooo!! *clap*clap* ). Second, coz I scored (applause!!!). Okay…that’s a lil exaggerated. Well I did assists to score, hmm….maybe that’s still exaggarating…okay2, it was mercy perhaps…hahahah .

Bottom line is, I had a good time. But didn’t stayed for long. Mind been wondering how’s the kids at home especially lil’ uZAir. But serious I had a great time n it was really nice….other players were like “hey welcome back Munirah” *grin*

I came back really tired and thirsty (since I forgot to bring water along). All I could think of while driving home was a nice shower. But as I entered the house gate, I was greeted by my two lil’ rascals n a loud cry by uZAir. Carried uZAir and brought the other two out to play in the yard. And all 4 off us played together =)

Oh here are photos of hArith…just for fun

“hey cek this out aunties n uncles, lets ride this giraffe”

hah…boringgg *yawn*

lets give some zest to this ride

oh alrite, this will do

err…maybe I should lift my bum bum a lil’ higher…

jap…jap piki ape mende lg thrill bleh buat…errrmmmm….

hah, how about stand on one leg only!!! Oh easyyyy, piece of cake….hihi

mOmmy. “ya Allah ya tuhan ku, jauh kn lar gejala sosial remp-it dari anak ku, ahmad hArith. ameen”

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  1. salam k'munirah
    been reading ur blog dr zmn akak kt fster lg 🙂 when u decided to privatized ur blog dulu for a while, owh boy mmg sy agak frust la

    love reading bout ur kids, esp when u imitated their thoughts & potrayed them with pictures. kiyut-ness!

    convey my love to athirah, hariz & lil uzair 🙂


  2. suria:
    hihi…sometimes i try to get into their 'mind' and see what are they thinking..hihi
    *oh i didn't know my blog kt frenster actually ade readers

    will hug and kiss the kiddos for u =)

    hArith, athirAh & uZAir "we miss u too auntie!!!"


  3. ehh where is this park ya? it’s good to bring baby kat sini. kalau i pun jakunnn

    pandai plak si harith merempit. LOL


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