Boleh awak bantu saya? – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Boleh awak bantu saya?

February 5, 2009

Dengan muka penuh malu saya tunduk dan mengaku saya buta IT… tapi teringin nk blog template yg personalize (i.e header gmbar anak2) Ade tak sesapa yg berhati mulia sanggup tolong saya buat new blog template untuk saya?

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  1. hmm hmm…
    i mgkn boleh tolong. tp i takleh janji boleh setel dgn cepat, sbb nak kena urus Faris n bila en.suami blk, kena spend masa dgn dia.

    kalu u ok, i just nak u googled some of blog design yg u berkenan n nak tiru lebih kurang.

    and, i tak berani nak janji ur blog akan jadi cantik prefecto. hehe


  2. wow for real jua? u r such a darl!! n memandangkn saya mmg buta IT, nk meng-goggle design pun tak pandai. wat should i type kat google search tu?

    wahh besnye, dh tebayang2 my new blog with header gmbar anak2


  3. ahaks, i buat mana yg termampu for no cost aka FOC. nnt i bg some template links, then u pilih. apa2 hal i buzz u k..


  4. thanks a bunch, i owe u one.
    alrite nnti u kasi the link kay…
    u cn buzz me at my ym :munirahpunye


  5. lana:
    wow besnye, im blessed with such luvly frens!
    perhaps helost can help me design the banner/header thingy
    and i’ll get jua to help me with the layout =)


  6. Salam munirah..i'm ur silent reader of your blog.anyway, i get to know you coz I dulu UIA gak budak POLI.did add u at f.ter but still waiting ur reply.really really enjoy reading ur blog.just nak tanye 1 thing that is not really related to this post la.last time i read u bg ur twin smash they taste it.coz i br bg my son & he seems cam nak muntah jer.even I rase that fruit tu pon x sdp.nk buang syg coz mahal sebijik tu.huhu..any idea?u tambah pape ker kasik sedap?u can delete this comment coz mmg x related ngan post u.hehehe


  7. darl, boleh tlg i x? kat mana i nak jd premium member photomama? aritu ada link ‘upgrade to premium member’ tp bila i klik page dia kosong. skang ni xdok dah.


  8. Nurul Atikah,
    hi there, i dah jarang cek my frenster. oh u budak poli, kami same batch ker?
    nway bout the avacodo…i tak tmbah pape pun. n mayb sbb tat was the very first food i kasi die so die takleh nk compare ngan other food…so die pun bantai je lah makan.

    tapi skrang ni mmg some avacodo tu cam tak masak betul. i think they petik muda sgt and even though dah lembik cam dh masak tapi rasa die pelik. cam obvious buah tu masak bukan naturally…

    uZAir i tak penah kasi avacodo sbb aritu beli tapi masak tak betul. dh lembik tp masih rase mentah. i kasi sweet patato


  9. munirah, if u want helost 2 do banner, email me the pictures u want n cth banner u desire like wat i did hehe. btw terer lah u amek pics now. photo mama does really work! caya lah.


  10. thanks for the offer babe. i’ll scout for the pictures n get it send to u.
    since i pun takde idea how i want my banner be, perhaps i should juz let helost reveal his creativity…do any way to his liking.
    issit possible to buat 2 3 banner, if possible i nk my header tu like tukar2 pics like in tedroz website. possible ker ek? hihi

    oh btw, photomama is not juz for moms. helost nk join pun bleh…although his photograph dah mmg cukup cun melecun. but mane tau ade thing or two he can learn gak..

    in fact ade single man gak masuk photomama


  11. ooo.Thanks for the reply. I think I should throw it away la..syg nye cam rase buang duit gitu aje.huhu.
    Yup.same batch but I convo 2005.same ker?
    just re-add you at f.ter but if you like maybe you can add me at tgk ur babies pictures,kiut miut.
    harith look macho, athirah look bit naughty(suka panjat kan) & uzair look soo yummy coz tembamnye mak aii,rase nk gigit2.hehehe


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