Bali – On Transport – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Bali – On Transport

March 22, 2009

To those yang nak contact number for transport kat Bali:

From Malaysia i emailed Sofiyan:

Tapi bila kat sane, the driver that was assigned to us was Shahrul:

So up to you nk contact sape. Nak trus sms pun bleh. When I first email Sofiyan, die trus called me. Efficient kan..takyah nk tunggu lame berbalas email.

Nway, we used Suzuki APV and the daily rate was 350,000rupiah. Comfortable enough for 5 adult and my 3 lil ones.

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  1. Munirah… sorry out of topic plak. I just nak tanye mana u beli the indoor gym(mcm monkey bar) utk ur children tu? I’m thinking of getting one.


  2. HI DEAR,,,
    thank you for sharing the info bout ur superb bali trip…;)
    i took drive contact no ya…. will be there soon…. with my little one…still it okay to bring infant there…


  3. wanyz:
    husband bought it from Japan dear.

    how old is ur little one? al-hamdulillah everything went well with my little one kt sane


  4. salam tuan rumah,
    i ke bali may ni…driver yang i cari tu caj i 450,000rp untuk 1 hari…1/2 day 300,000 rp…mahal tak?


  5. olio:
    u contact driver yg i gune (yg i kasi phone number kt post ni) ke u contact driver lain?

    i kena 350,000rupiah for a day..dpt keta suzuki apv


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