One Two Weeeeee – TRIPLETS plus ONE

One Two Weeeeee

April 1, 2009

The other day at Genting, instead of the usual “one,” pApa was teaching the elder two..”one, two…weeeeeee (with excitement to raise their hand)”

tp athirAh bolayan, it was only hArith happily raising his hand.

yesterday we tried doing it again to hArith…”one two..weeeee”. and here are the result..hihi

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  1. cutenya Athirah boleh buat bolayan je.. kesian ayah dia..haha 🙂

    anyway, sangat la cun pictures u took… 🙂


  2. eventhough she’s bolayan,but still is cute…n as for harith,he looks cam budak besar sgt now nih… hehheh..


  3. nana:
    sila lah click banner photomama dan join. alang2 dh dpt duit belanaja lebih bulan ni..hihi


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