Everything went well and YES, my mom was surprised =). We prepared English Breakfast coz tat was the easiest we could think of. Bought various kinds of bread from Delifrance the day before, some scones and few types of Salami. Drinks were, juices, coffee and sparkling grape (non-alcoholic of coz!)
We managed to set up the place on time. Sadly, the net material that I bought to do up the gazebo was left at home…so we couldnt decorate the place in detail.
Here’s photo of my brother skodeng tunggu bayang2 my mom and her frens…
And me waiting for signal from my brother…
My brother decided to let hArith free playing all by himself (but of coz with his supervision from a distance). Then my mom’s friend notice hArith and told my mom. But at first, she didnt believe its her cucu..and after a close look…it is indeed her grandson. And in the middle of my mom stunned with the situation of “what-is-hArith-doing-here?” All of us came out from our hiding and jump about wishing her “HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY!!!!!”
Here’s a picture of my brother running towards my mom, and hArith in her hand.
And here’s the three walking buddy =) (me bepakat / bersubahat with Auntie Badil – in white scarf)
and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
uZAir enjoyed himself too =)))
To all mom’s out there, hAppy mothers’ day!!!!!

very thoughtfulnye u munirah 😛 mesti terkejut giler ur mom hehehe…athirah ok jek tu pakai skirt…heheh tpi i think dia lasak2 sbb diapit oleh 2 boys harith & uzair..but ok apa, tough girl nnti beso
mmg tekejut my mom, lagi2 bab tetiba cucu die tekonteng2 sorang2 kt playground tu. sbb b4 die kuar umah tu sume org belakon baik punye. mandi pun tak lagi, tgh pakai pyjamas lagi. so mmg tak suspect pun kami nk kuar
the moment my mom kuar, kelam kabut siapkn all 3 and panas kn food sume.
athirAh certain skirt jer yg look ok on her. some cutting tak sesuai. tp now rmbut dh pnjang skit, so nmpak ok skit wiz skirt.
hmmm, die lasak sbb diapit dgn boys tp masalahnye die punye lasak kalah combine hArith n uZAir, hihi
Between us Munirahs, I think you did pretty well. Of course la your siblings helped. And of course la you got distracted, hence forgetting the trimmings you bought. It’s the thought and the effort which count the most. Well done to all.
Salams from
The Original Munirah
ohhh… munirah….. such a beautiful and sweet story…. u ni good daughter and great mommy la! happy mother’s day dear!
uiks.. bestnya… 🙂
and happy mother’s day to u too! 🙂
your mom’s a lucky mom munirah. happy moms day to u 🙂
Happy mother’s day, Munirah..
happy belated mother’s day to u too…n ur mom sure one lucky mom..
happy mother’s day to u too..u deserve it..nice plan tough.
Ah….bestnya n a very sweet way to surprise ur mom. Happy mother’s day to u. 🙂
awwww.. so sweet. itu guna walkie talkie ke?
selamat hari ibu :0
Auntie Badil is my makngah. 🙂 wat a small world!
haku ko:
wahh wat a small world =)
kak hanim…just had a chat with my auntie..heheheh..kak hanim joined photomama ka? wa…leh jadi photographer 4 babies n toddlers la nanti ya.. 🙂
tak mai perlis ka?musim harum manis nih…
haku ko:
my mom pun called ur auntie after i told her about u..hihi
yup, i joined photomama…u pun ker?
wah itu harum manis mmg sgt manis, tp susah nk dpt kn, aritu auntie badil kate nk beli tapi tak jumpe. but i managed to eat sbb father-in-law kasi, yum yum
oh, i yg patut panggil you kak =)
hanim >>yeap..they calling-calling each other 🙂 sorry terpanggil 'kak' kat u.
me photomama? i dun think so. im in perlis kan..tak berbaloi plak..i'll just keep on flipping through the net for inspirations ja la 🙂