Raya Portraiture: Kaseh Amreen Mounira – TRIPLETS plus ONE
Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE

Raya Portraiture: Kaseh Amreen Mounira

September 15, 2009

After taking photos of Alia n Alysha, it was Kaseh’s turn. Her mom had visualised few ideas of how she wanted the photo to be. And of coz i was more than happy to follow her idea.

Kaseh was born a day after uZAir btw. But she was more on the petite size thus we could placed her nicely in this basket


Kaseh’s monther wanted to have photo of Kaseh depan pintu but  i think the person yg paling hAppy tgk the gmbar below will be my mom…sbb nmpak full frame of her door


Meanwhile, the father wanted me to capture photos of Kasuh salam with him. They have trained Kaseh for Hari RAya =)



Kaseh was such a darl…hAppy jer running around and busy playing peek-a-boo



Oh parents Kaseh and us are on the same boat….we dont mind swinging our kids while most parents akn ckp “wuish, tecabut tangan kang”


Kaseh luv it sooo much that she didnt allow her parents to stop


And of coz, Kaseh pun turn into flower in my garden 😉


Somehow, among all the photos, i luv this the most. Father cam berlenggang jer carry Kaseh. And Kaseh pun like so relax


More photos of the family below =)


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And thanks again for having TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture moments of your family


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  1. salam munirah,syauqi,harith,athirah and uZair…
    thanks a lot !! we enjoyed it soo much eventho almost nk ujan tht day, kan?
    u noe wut, ble dh masuk kereta nk balik bru perasan dh 6.40pm! goshh..punyala lama lepak yr hs!
    thanks again! thanks for the lovely photos…looking fwd for MORE session 🙂
    now tk sabar tunggu cd smpai;)
    have a great day yeah!

    ezira,fah n lil kaseh


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    tu lah, we all pun tak notice the time. u sempat tak berbuka kt rumah. usually if cam dh lewat i’ll give air kotak so at least ade lah something nk berbuka dlm kereta.
    glad u love the photos. pasni bleh buat outdoor kt park pulak ;). dah tak puasa bleh lah nk lari2 in the park…hihi

    and nice knowing you =)


  2. Hi There…i had a tear falling reading your Q&A section abt alisya..maybe becoz im 8 months+ pregnant..it really does touches my heart.R u a full time photographer?Really love d outdoor session n uve got a beautiful garden.I will surely required ur service once my baby is out somewhere in october.Love d pics of ur daughter in the bakul n pokok fern tu..ala2 anne gades.Hope to hear from u soon!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    Hi Iza,
    Congratulations on ur pregnancy…u will be due anytime soon aight. Well, there are times that i misses arwah Alesya , but i guess having other 3 kids running around keep my mind pretty occupied, hihi.
    I’ve just started trying out with this photography thingy, and of coz i’ll be more than happy if you would like to have a session with me =) u may email for any further enquiry munirahpunye@yahoo.com
    looking fwd to hear from you =)


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