My sister was on study leave, so we had her around for about 1 month. Yes of coz it was good to have extra hands. And in fact we even used the opportunity to attend dinner wedding. We FORCED her to bring the elder two out with her boyfren while uZAir followed us to the wedding. Anyway, a day before her leave ends, we decided to drag her to the park. (oh tat reminds me i have few entries on kids went swimming that i have yet put it up here…yes we drag my sister for swimming couple of times too =)
The elder two with pApa. dont u think hArith is like mini-syauQi, with same cargo pants, sandals n collar tshirt
and here’s my sister jumping about b4 her leave ends… (which means the end of extra hands for me =( )
oh on another note, her bf pretty much enjoyed the outing with the elder two. Wow we can do this more often. Get the elder two to go out with them again.
*On Usana, few of husband’s friends have enquire about USANA since they see the improvement in his and another friend (who have been taking USANA for about 3 weeks) have shown great improvement in their badminton play. Faster lah sbb lutut joints dah in good shape so bleh lah bergerak pantas =). and even stamina wise, body is equiped with enuff nutrition hence better stamina =)

kalau soki pakai pampers jugak mmg sama la dgn harith. huhu.
neway, gambar kaki tu lawa! loike it.
Mrs Imran Reply:
December 9th, 2009 at 9:22 pm
oh lupa , i think because of the langit la yg buat gambar kaki hannah tu lawa. and i suke gambar soki dgn the elder two and gambar hathirah tu jugak! oh…tk kusangka I suka semuanya!!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 9th, 2009 at 9:41 pm
haha..tats funny. after u comment baru u realise u actually commenting on all 3 pics ek…
thanks nway =)
Athirah is taller than Harith ye?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 10th, 2009 at 2:50 pm
err susah nk kate. there are times she look taller, some time hArith looks taller. depends baju ape she pakai. certain baju tu buat die nmpak taller…hihi
i pun confused…hihi
psst…nak join weekend ni?