My 3 kids are getting a lil adventurous. We been having the swings for about a year plus (we fix it July 2009) but they sat on the blue swing and the tyre most of the time and hardly try the disc swing. Maybe they were not sure how it works. I used to get them to try on it, hold on to their kaki and ask them to cross their legs and kepit it…but they didnt enjoy it i guess until the other day we had a few kids over at my place and played with the disc swing, (kids were older than them) . I guess only then they know the joy of using the disc swing.
And to my surprise, today they did it by themselves
and when hArith got down, suddenly athirAh pulak naik…but she didnt sit on it, instead she diri… i wasn’t prepared mase tu to take photo, thus the angle wasn’t so good
it is not that easy tau to stand on this, tak caya…tanye Yaya, ni percubaan die nk diri on it last year during my kids’ bday party, hihi
and after that the elder two became adventurous, both were on it,
pastu tegelak2, sbb tegolek..haha
uZAir lak still in the comfort zone of the blue swing
BUT he wont just sit…he also has his own adventurous stunt…
and i guess all kids are the same, they can never see water. tgk muka die bersinar2 dpt main air
and hArith lak dok ajak main cak-cak suruh take his photo..hihi
the weather was good today, by 330pm it was rather gloomy and kids thought it was already 5pm, time for them to play outside. They insist on playing outside early (345pm they were running about already) and that resulted in early bedtime tonite. By 10pm all 3 asleep! amazing! So do i need to let them out everyday at 345pm instead of 5 then? haha

[New Post] Adventurer – via #twitoaster…
patutla anak omputih boleh tidur awal..kat sana tak panas..kol 3 pon leh main kat luar..hehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 23rd, 2010 at 12:36 am
haah betul gak, tak tepiki lak…tud iroang bedtime at 7pm kan..