My Lil Caliphs Activties | Parenthood

Mommy's Social Activity

By on March 25, 2011

Yes, mommy need social activity too. When ur life 24/7 revolve around 4 kids…there are times u simply need a breath of new fresh air to keep ur sanity. At times when im too occupied with my kids and hampir bertukar menjadi hulk atau naga..i stop to ponder and reflect. I hardly have me time and of coz social deprived. Yes, alhamdulillah i feel blessed and very much contented blessed with 4 lil caliph but as i walk down the mall, i just cant stop to look at others n wonder; am i missing what others in their 20’s are doing. In fact having a decent meal is almost unreachable luxury. Good thing im not much an eater, often i go through the day with just one meal .

Most people would suggest, i should find time to have some me-time. but i have this biggest problem ever, i would feel the greatest guilt for leaving the kids behind. rase sgt bersalah ber-enjoy sakan and anak pulak kt umah. lagi2 bile balik kang sume muke cebik.

Wuish panjangnye mukadimmah, main intention of this entry is to share an extremely belated entry, the mom’s blogger gathering kt umah yaya in december last year. We had pot luck. Hope i recall this right, lana brought her signature brownies, jua; signature red velvet cake, fiza; ikan bakar (believe it or not, that was my first time makan ikan bakar..selama ni tak hairan tp sbb member buat, trus terasa nak makan), siti and me bawak marinated ayam for the bbq.

The kids had fun splashing water away, tapi Adam sgt otai smpai org lain takut nak join die..hihi

anak dara saya duduk sipi2 je

uZair, baru bgn tido so lepak kt luar je

anak dara fiza, swimming suit sgt cantek, i ingat kn die pakai dress

En syauQi rajin volunteer tuk jaga ayam

tp sebenarnye ade udang di sebalik batu, if die occupied jaga ayam..maka die tak perlu lah berlari kejar / jaga anak.. kan syauQi? kan kan? hihihi ๐Ÿ˜›

anak teruna saya, mmg parking buntut kat meja makan

yaya did bihun goreng, all 3 kids of mine had 3 serving of the bihun! sume anak kaki makan.

among the food served,

i certain had a great time ๐Ÿ˜€

so when is our nxt gathering moms?

oh chop before i end this entry, tgk lah si comel anak yaya ini

will share another entry on moms gathering soon. had frens over at my hse smlm, sgt syiok ๐Ÿ˜€

p/s: yaya, i suke baju tido adam. u beli mane ye?

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My Lil Caliphs Activties | Parenthood

Toddler-friendly Recipe

By on March 11, 2011

As some of you might already knew, hArith loves helping around with the domestic work. Among his fav is baking. Those who attended the aqiqah had the chance to taste harith’s choc chip cookies. Yesterday he did butter cupcakes to bring to school, they r having a bday celebration today.

Wondering how harith bakes? Here’s a custom made toddler-friendly recipe i did for him, something “readable”.

And here are photos of him in action.

I asked him to take out all the ingredients and utensils needed.


measuring (the custom made recipe is by his side)

sift the flour ; his fav

ha smpai nganga2 mulut nk make sure x tumpah

athirAh dtg part nk masuk choc chip sbb nk masuk some dlm mulut die gak. tgk muka harith, making sure athirah do it the right way

and the best part, he will take care of the dishes too ๐Ÿ˜€ . ย i need not worry coz he really washes it thoroughly.

and here’s the end product, proudly brought to school tadi ๐Ÿ™‚

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My Lil Caliphs Activties | Uncategorized

Itqan Sports Day

By on February 19, 2011

As i mentioned in my previous post, sadly i miss my kids’ first Sports Day ๐Ÿ™

Good thing syauQi took some videos so i roughly know how the event was. Itqan has primary school, thus their Sports Day combine with the big brothers n sisters.

Athirah is still down with runny nose, she didnt join the race as she went later with ย my sister. Both of them are in the Blue House

hArith waited at the Blue Tent for the event to start,

Getting in line for the march past

syauQi took a video of the march past, amazing to see how well behave hArith was in the line. I wonder if athirAh ade will she be in line ke akn jln sesuka hati

hArith’s team won in this event, The Flower Race. hArith being the boy who like to do housework took his own sweet time susun bunga tu dgn penuh semangat. Org lain cucuk2 je, die cucuk dgn penuh teliti. I was telling syauQi, mujur die tak cabut yg kawan die dh cucuk and do a proper flower arrangement..hihi

Ha yg ni dah macam YB lah pulak, siap angkat tgn kt org ramai, haha

athirAh came later, somehow she couldnt fit in her sports tshirt, so ended up pakai her uniform. Seluar pulak, bile nk kuar umah tekencing dlm suar, so tukar suar biasa. Pastu she insists nak pakai her rainy boots. Ended up my sis kate die macam peladang. Tgk peladang sudah turun padang

A close up of the peladang

The primary students ade archery event, since it is an Integrated Islamic Schoolย thus the have the Sunnah sports

Looking at the videos syauQi took, it remind me so much of my IIUM days, the MC spoke in two languages, english and arabic. After the march past, they did their Sports Pledge and sang Asma Ul Husna. Sedap je dgr the MC speaks in arabic…i hope my kids can speak like that one day. I ni 6 tahun kat IIUM ended up tak reti pun ckp arab, oh shame on me, padahal my course we had to do full level arabic. Terkial2 dulu mase exam arab for speaking…teketar2 nk cakap bahasa arab.

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My Lil Caliphs Activties

Itqan's School Excursion

By on February 16, 2011

Being in confinement it makes me miss out on few of my kids’ very first. 2 weeks back, hArith had his very first school excursion. They went to the fire station. Athirah didnt go as she was down with fever.

When i saw the memo they were going to the fire engine, my heart jumps…i was excited for hArith coz he always wanted to see the fire truck.

My mom went along coz hArith just recovered from runny nose thus i wanted to minimize his contact with the other friends. Thus, instead of riding the bus with his friends, mom drove him to the fire station.

He surely had a great time. They even ride the fire engine with the siren on towards the end of the ride. Oh now i wish i was there to ride along! hihi

Here are few photos mom managed to take

a lil briefing, they were even taught what to do if ur shirt caught fire

psst..hArith is wearing hat from okinokiyo ๐Ÿ˜‰

The school have 4 excursion a year. I wonder where will they be going for the next 3 trips.

This saturday, they will be having their Sport Day. Yup my kids’ very first Sports Day, and i gonna miss this memorable moment AGAIN. This is sad. SAD. Period ๐Ÿ™

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Moments by TRIPLETS Plus ONE | My Lil Caliphs Activties | Project

Kids Photography

By on December 28, 2010

Havent been updating my blog lately, n im blaming it on the pregnancy hormone…

dh few days tak masuk blog jenuh nk delete all the spam comments…argghh. hate that

Since im not into writting, i’ll just put up recent photos of my lil’ caliphs. They are bored at home, uZair especially been carrying his school bag around in the house, hinting that going to skool is better than home i guess, hihi.

Been trying to keep them occupied with various activities but unfortunately my energy power limits the activities we can do.. ideas for kids activities are most welcome!

Here are the usual photos kids playing outside regardless of the time…siang2 pun main kt luar

and the other day we went to my in-laws house and since their house is at culdesac, it is safe for the kids to ride their bike on the road…thus we brought their bike over there for them to cycle… something new for them, all this while cycle kat patio umah je

Oh their tuk wan’s house, although its bandar but they have angsa! 4 lil gosling…

all 3 kids were scared, temasuk lah mak budak! bapak budak je berani pegang..tat’s a 2 week old gosling

kids love panjat the tangga each time pegi sane

oh they have grown, havent they?

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