
If ade dSLR, gambar confirm cun?

By on April 21, 2009

Ramai org kate…if ade dslr mmg lar gmbar cantek. well, in this post..i did write about joining PhotoMama without dSLR.

And this time around..i wanna share with u that tak semestinye once dah ade dSLR gmbar confirm cun. yer..u can read the manual to learn bout the setting. what about other basic photography and art of seeing?

Ingat tak about my trip back to kampung kt Tanjung Malim, yang ni first time pegi. Time tu kami dah miliki camera dSLR…and dah pun paham ape itu aperture, ISO and shutter. tapi camane nk praktikn sume element2 tu ke dalam gambar. angle sume hampeh kami tak reti. background pun ntah ape2.

Then kali kedua balik kampung…ade lah berbekalkn skit ilmu yang saya pelajari online kt PhotoMama, dan hasilnye ade kt pos yg ini. (yg bebudak gembira jakun main air)

So dua tempat yang sama, camera yang sama…tapi hasil gambar yg berbeza kan….jadi adakah memilik dSLR means everything?

Nway, PhotoMama will be having its 2nd photoclinic. As usual, free for premium members and RM45 fees for non-premium members. So ni lar time tu tanye in person ape2 yg tak paham kt video tu.

Hello Mommies..it’s time for Photoclinic Session again.!!! So to all mommies, this is the time for you to get to do the practical with the Sifu around you..Sifu will correct you if you are wrong on the spot!

Here’s the detail of the PHOTOCLINIC 2 :

Date : 2nd May 2009

Day : Saturday

Time : 9am till 11am

Venue : Lake Garden

Fees : FREE for all Premium Members ( RM45 for non Premium Members)

Trainer : Saiful Nang

Others : 1 premium members can bring maximum 2 non-premium members (other than husband or wife) but must be registered with TPMC community for FREE. But the priority will be given to the Premium Members.

Activities : You Shoot the Sifu will Correct it..

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At the Park

By on April 20, 2009

After 10 days of work, syauQi had 7 days off…and today he is back at work. However while he was packing his bag just now…athirAh stopped him from doing so. He distracted syauQi by demanded to be carried. And each time syauQi open his bag to pack his stuff, athirAh will close it ..preventing her dad from packing. I reckon, in her mind she was saying “nooo, you are not going to work again, coz the last time u went it took u soooo long to come back”. And most touching moment was when syauQi finished packing and wanted to bring the bag to the front door, she practically placed her hand on it trying to stop syauQi and soon realised that she doesnt really have the power of stopping…she lift her hand from the bag and softly said “ba bye, ba bye…..”

Seriously, it really did make syauQi felt like not going to work….

Nway, here’s another activity we did while pApa was around….a trip to the park =)
Main intention was to fly the kite, but it seems that only uZAir was interested….

coz, once hArith gets a ball….nothing else could beat that. so layang2 tak laku…

And athirAh as usual was everywhere…she was practicing 100 meter run, hihi

And there was a group of men doing some exercise, strecthing…in which she joined along. She went close to those men…looking up and down trying to figure out what they were doing. And she managed to imitate them well….

Only uZAir were hAppy to see the kite flying…his mood was all cheerful, so decided to take photos of him.

N also I had a friend who wanted to try out her new camera…so uZAir became the model for the day…thus my friend could try out diiferent setting of her camera. Meanwhile, i took some shots too…coz aritu syauQi pegi keja bawak camera, maka saya pun ade lupe pasal setting2 n mula terkial2 nk buat setting camera….haha

Oh, uZAir pun terror buat One Two Weee tau… =)

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Fun Splashing

By on April 19, 2009

**maaf, entri kali ni penuh dgn gambar…

After not having the father for 10 days, we enjoyed our 7 days having him around. Did few activities (besides strolling in the mall for nothing in particular…m’sia siang ari xde tmpat lan tuk pegi…panas sgt). And one of the activities were……this.

What’s that? Well, even hArith n athirAh were curious at first…

And the thing gave them a suprise!!! Water is always synonym with FUN =)

They were sooooo hAppy n excited..

To double the fun, we took out their mini pool

pApa pun basah skali, i couldnt get any closer to take photos or i’ll get the camera wet. n also case malas nak tukar lense…so xleh nk zoom…

hArith calling out for uZAir who was having his dinner at tat time…

Busy splashing like there’s no tomorrow…

Jeritan kegembiraan =0

ni budak kesejukan tp xnk kuar dari air…

yes, uZAir pun join =) sgt2 happy…

budak ni pun xnk benti main…

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Let your kids crawl

By on April 18, 2009

Well, my mom always point out to me that it is important for babies to crawl. The more they crawl the better it is. In fact, hArith crawled for 4 months while athirAh crawled for 5 months before they started walking. Some asked, why it took them so long to start walking.. I knew my mom was right, crawling is important, i knew that it is important for their brain development. But I don’t have it in black n white to show others.

And thanks to Bilal’s mother who found this great website. A write up on why is crawling important.

However, according to childhood educator Glenn Doman, a pioneer in the field of right-brain training, crawling forwards is an essential skill to master. Doman claims that crawling stimulates the brain to develop convergence of vision – and that as a result, children who skipped this phase as babies may find it difficult to learn to read and write. In addition, children who missed out on crawling may suffer from speech problems, he says – because the same part of the brain (the midbrain) controls both functions

You can read more of the article here.

In fact it is alright if your child doesnt start walking up to age 18months!!! The more they crawl…the better it is for their brain. So don’t rush into getting a walker for your baby.

Yes, I do have walker in my house. We first bought that basically to place one child in when I have to change the other child’s diaper. “Park” them in the walker so he/she doesnt crawl everywhere and climb up the stairs. Tapi skrang, dah bleh kuar masuk walker sendiri dah…haha

My eyes are now glued to this website. It has lots and lots of good articles, even free flashcard for u to download. They even have articles on swinging our babies. Well, my husband and I been swining our babies ever since…tapi ramai yg tgk sure akan kata, wuish tecabut tangan kan. I read up the website, and it says we are doing the right thing =)

Wondering who is Glenn Doman? Click here

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Mini Us

By on April 17, 2009

Yesterday, uZAir had playdate. Yes, finally he gets to play with someone of his age. All this while, he has hArith and athirAh around…always being the smaller one. But yesterday, uZAir felt as though he was the hero…being brave enough to grab toys from Bilal. Selalunye die yg jadi mangsa athirAh. I think uZAir was rather amazed that for once he made someone cried instead of him crying….hihi

* a lil’ history. Bilal and uZAir’s grandmother went to the same secondary school. And up till today they remain friends. Us ( me and Bilal’s mother) has also been friends ever since my memory could recall. We went to the same kindergarten but later split to different path and met again in university when both of us were accepted into the same institution. So basically we knew each other not during childhood but babyhood…and that’s exactly what Bilal and uZAir are doing now =)

Each time I see Bilal I would say this to his mom “Ayuu…he is mini you!” And now, when I looked at this picture below…it says “Mini Us”. Bilal look very much like his mom and uZAir look like me, dont u think?

So it is just like 26 years ago…but of different gender…hihihi

anyway, uZAir’s personality trait resemble alot like athirAh…one of it is putting everything in his mouth. See, he found cookies in the garden…

uZAir “wanna try some auntie? 😉 “

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